2022 Vision Casting
How to accomplish your goals, manifest your vision and grown your business every year. Dr. Samaria M Colbert © 2021 The key to kingdom success is intentionality. You must be intentional about your success. Success doesn’t come from wishful thinking. Yes, shouting and praising is a wonderful thing, but that alone will not get you to success God’s way. James 2:17-18 Amplified Bible 17 So too, faith, if it does not have works [to back it up], is by itself dead [inoperative and ineffective]. 18 But someone may say, “You [claim to] have faith and I have [good] works; show me your [alleged] faith without the works [if you can], and I will show you my faith by my works [that is, by what I do].” There are many Christians who believe their faith alone is what is going to bring them success. So, we shout and cry over the promise not considering the in between work. Remember God will bless the works of your hand and cause supernatural increase however you must have the works in your hand for Him to work with. Nothing plus nothing equals nothing. I want to discuss with you strategies I have used to bring me success. Before I say that I am going to take a minute to explain my successes. What I am about to say is not intended to be boastful or flex however in this particular blog I do believe that in order to show you what I do you should see my resume. I believe in order to give advice in some areas you have to have the receipts or resume that prove you are qualified to do so. So here is my resume, I am a fully licensed mental health therapist that has been in the field for 16 years. I have written and published close to 60 books, my goal within the next 5 to 10 years is to complete 100. I have five degrees including a doctorate. I am the author of over 10 online training courses, I have a podcast, I am a speaker, I own my own private practice. Although we are not exactly where I want to be we see continued growth every year. I manage my finances very well. By the way I am not known on social media. This is important to state because people assume that if you don’t have thousands of social media followers then you aren’t successful. My success has come without being well known. The point again is not to brag or be prideful. I am truly humbled and grateful for what God has done in my life. My point is that none of it would be possible without a kingdom strategy. I never in all my life imagined or even thought I would accomplish so much in my lifetime. It’s crazy to think that I feel like I am just getting started. Here I am a girl from a small town. Most of my life people underestimated me. I was the one overlooked, misunderstood and rejected. I was told I’d be nothing most of my life. But when God’s hand is on your life He orchestrates your rejection for His purpose. I am not that smart, I am dedicated, driven and purposeful about my life. By the way for those who may think I am lying, you are probably viewing this on my website, but for those who are not visit www.samariacolbert.com, to see my receipts. I am going to show you, my method. This is what I do to see results. I am also going to point out to you mistakes I see other people make, that leave them stuck, stagnated, and distracted. The first thing is you must be clear about your purpose and your assignment. It is very difficult to maintain your drive and focus if you are not clear about what you are supposed to do. Your purpose comes from God, it is why you were created. Your assignment is the unique task that God wants you to accomplish. Think about like this. When I was a college student the goal or purpose for being a college student was to graduate with a degree. The assignment or task were the individual classes and assignments I had to complete to get to my goal which was graduation. Remember seek God for what He wants you to do. You are guaranteed success when it is God’s plan for your life. You are not guaranteed immediate results. There are four reasons why people don’t follow through with what God has told them to do, it all boils down to being distracted. Matthew 13:1-9 Living Bible 13 Later that same day, Jesus left the house and went down to the shore, 2-3 where an immense crowd soon gathered. He got into a boat and taught from it while the people listened on the beach. He used many illustrations such as this one in his sermon: “A farmer was sowing grain in his fields. 4 As he scattered the seed across the ground, some fell beside a path, and the birds came and ate it. 5 And some fell on rocky soil where there was little depth of earth; the plants sprang up quickly enough in the shallow soil, 6 but the hot sun soon scorched them and they withered and died, for they had so little root. 7 Other seeds fell among thorns, and the thorns choked out the tender blades. 8 But some fell on good soil and produced a crop that was thirty, sixty, and even a hundred times as much as he had planted. 9 If you have ears, listen!” Matthew 13:18-23 Living Bible 18 “Now here is the explanation of the story I told about the farmer planting grain: 19 The hard path where some of the seeds fell represents the heart of a person who hears the Good News about the Kingdom and doesn’t understand it; then Satan[a] comes and snatches away the seeds from his heart. 20 The shallow, rocky soil represents the heart of a man who hears the message and receives it with real joy, 21 but he doesn’t have much depth in his life, and the seeds don’t root very deeply, and after a while when trouble comes, or persecution begins because of his beliefs, his enthusiasm fades, and he drops out. 22 The ground covered with thistles represents a man who hears the message, but the cares of this life and his longing for money choke out God’s Word, and he does less and less for God. 23 The good ground represents the heart of a man who listens to the message and understands it and goes out and brings thirty, sixty, or even a hundred others into the Kingdom. God giving us clear instruction is one thing, our obedience is another. The first reason why people don’t accomplish their goals has to do with them being shallow. These are Christians who have a lotto mentality. These are Christians who shout, cry, and fall out over the promises of God and have no intention of doing the work. They are just waiting for opportunity to show up at their door, with no effort on their part. Scripture says they have no depth. The other reason is that they don’t seek understanding. When God speaks to you concerning what you are to do, He doesn’t always tell you how. Last year God spoke to me and told me to start a podcast. He didn’t tell me how to start the podcast, it was my responsibility to seek out how. Then there are others who are pursuing money. I always say don’t pursue money, pursue your God given purpose and money will find you. This is why scripture says in Matthew 6:33 Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. These are individuals who are lured by the promise of wealth. They see their favorite guru who promises a get rich quick scheme and they fall for it. They watch their guru’s YouTube videos with lavish cars and what appears to be unlimited cash and that’s it off they go. These are people who go from one multi level marketing company to the next. They are running after wealth. Their own gifts talents and abilities are rarely considered or are an afterthought. The other reason people are not successful is because of the persecution they experience. Let’s be clear when you have a word from God you will experience persecution. The key is to persist in spite of great obstacles and opposition. Lastly remember those who received the word and put it into practice produced some thirty, sixty and even a hundred times more. This is the kingdom secret to success. When you endure and hold on to the word, with intention, you will have supernatural success. This is the reason I have been able to produce so much, it wasn’t because I was the smartest, or the brightest, I am no one’s genius, I am intentional and consistent. Think about it, we all have that friend who in the last 10 years has had 10 different businesses. They went from selling makeup, to clothes, to real-estate, to weight loss shakes, to T-shirts, only to come up empty. No matter how much these individuals post on social media, they are not really successful. Their primary customers are their many friends. Remember a solid business, product or service is not based on how many friends you have. You know you have a solid product when perfect strangers support and sustain your business. Think about, Steve Jobs who has longed passed away, we are still buying products he created. Most of us have never met with the current CEO that doesn’t stop Apple from selling billions of products each year. We are not Facebook friends with the CEO, yet we invest our hard-earned money in their product. Let me tell you a secret. For those who have changed multiple businesses. Your friends won’t tell you this but here it is. Even they don’t take you serious. They support you because you’re their friend not really because they believe in your product. You lose credibility after a while. It’s like going to a job interview and the employer sees you have transferred jobs 10 times in 10 years. Your skill means nothing at this point, what is blatantly obvious is your consistent pattern of being inconsistent. Again, the first thing you absolutely must do is be clear. I got clarity over 20 years ago, when I started my freshman year of college. I started attending a youth led Bible Study where the youth pastor was talking about the importance of prayer and fasting. I fasted for about a week because I wanted to know what my purpose was. God spoke to me in a series of open visions after that. Remember clarity comes from the Father who created you. If you want to get success God’s way you have to follow His plan not your own. You can’t get to God’s success following your own way. Jeremiah 29:11 Living Bible 11 For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Proverbs 16:9 New King James Version 9 A man’s heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps. Proverbs 14:12 New King James Version12 There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death. The next thing you must do is to be intentional and strategic. To be strategic means to have an intentional plan and target to accomplish your goals. After you obtain a word from God, write it down in your journal. Proverbs 14:12 New King James Version 12 There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death. You must determine to get it done. Plan your way to it. Every year I hear from God concerning the next year’s assignment. Most of the time God speaks to me around September or October about the next year. I immediately write it down. I get a planner for the next year. I write out what my year goals are, and the prophetic words for the year. I then put in monthly, weekly goals. Some add in daily goals, I am more of a weekly, monthly task person. At the end of each month my pastor taught us to take inventory. What did I accomplish? what did I not accomplish? Why did I not accomplish it? Finally let’s talk about mistakes I see people make. There are three main reasons people don't see success, is they are not committed, they don’t prepare, and they use social media like a social club to keep up with their friends, but never talk about their passions, their business, or their ministry. Call your friends on your cell phone, don’t use social media to just catch up if you say you have a real business. The other thing is that they are easily distracted. Their distractions come from toxic relationships, and wrong motives. I had an associate who wanted to do ministry, yet she always found herself in unhealthy, unholy relationships. You must focus. Needless to say what she actually accomplished versus what she could have accomplish was very different. If she only focused and stopped being a thirsty desperate woman she would have accomplished so much more and wouldn’t be struggling. You must be committed to right people in your life and get rid of people who are a distraction or not going in the same direction you are going. Amos 3:3 King James Version ' 3 Can two walk together, except they be agreed? Truth is everyone can’t walk with you. You can’t hang out with dead weight and expect to run at the same pace. Be committed to learning. When I was broke, I knew what God had for me, so I was constantly studying on business, buying books from thriftbooks.com, I watched YouTube, I attended free conferences, I went to the public library. Now that my finances are much better, I am able to attend conferences and such. Invest in yourself. Lastly you must be committed. God will guarantee you supernatural success when you are committed to His plan for your life. Be committed. Dr. Samaria M Colbert © 2021
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